Eling Retreat

eling retreat

Eling Retreat

Eling Retreat is a one-day retreat program (5 hours) specifically designed to understand yourself more deeply. Releasing fear, worry, stress, depression, despair, and confusion with life and the problems experienced so far. Gain calm and deeper meaning in life.

This program is held specifically on Tilem (dead moon). This is because it is believed to be the day of God in his manifestation in the process of cleaning or recycling energy that is no longer needed by the universe.


Program Highlights:

  • This program starts at 08:00 am – 01:00 pm
  • Participants wear comfortable clothing for yoga
  • Yoga mat provided by Pasraman
  • Bring 1 set of kamben (Balinese costume) and a shawl for purification
  • Bring a change of clothes
  • Bring a towel
  • Participants are required to bring a bag to store wet clothes after the wound
  • Participants are required to write on 2 pieces of paper with the condition that 1 write what their future achievements will be and on 1 paper write what must be released


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • Q: What is the difference between Eling Retreat and Healing Retreat?
  • A: The Eling Retreat is only held in the Tilem (Dead Moon) while the Healing Retreat is held every day (schedule determined by participants).
  • Q: Can I take part in this program outside of the Tilem (Dead Moon) schedule?
  • A: If a participant is unable to attend the selected schedule, the participant can reschedule only once with notification at least 1 day in advance.
  • Q: Is this program open to all participants?
  • A: Programs at Pasraman are open to all participants and religions. The basis of teaching here is yoga, meditation, life mastery, and spiritual mastery.
  • Q: Is there a continuation of the Eling Retreat Program?
  • A: Yes. The continuation of the Healing Retreat Program is Tapa Brata. The content of this program is more complex to release the negative effects of past karma.

Event & Aktivitas
