Yoga Retreat Techniques and Steps for Beginners

Yoga retreat

Yoga retreat is a type of exercise that includes various body movements, such as spreading the arms, bending, or squatting. Here are some basic yoga retreat styles or yoga retreat steps that can be done for beginners:

1. Mountain style (tadasana)
The first yoga retreat movement that you can do is the mountain style. This style is a basic yoga retreat movement that is easy to do. Here are the steps:

  • Stand with your big toes touching but your heels separated. Place both hands on either side of your body.
  • Take both shoulders down while still keeping them from looking back and puff out your chest.
  • Keep your head up with your back still flat.
  • Hold this position for at least ½-1 minute.
  • If applied regularly, yoga retreat steps with this movement are useful for improving body shape.

2. Downward facing (adho mukha svanasana)

Downward facing is also included in the basic yoga retreat movements that are really easy for beginners to do. To do this, you can follow these steps:

  • Start in a kneeling position.
  • Place both hands in front of your body so that your palms touch the floor. Make sure to leave enough space between your arms.
  • Lift your waist and buttocks as high as possible slowly until your feet are in a flat position and your head is on both hands.
  • Try to keep your palms and soles of your feet attached to the floor.
  • Hold this position for 1-3 minutes while breathing slowly. If this yoga retreat step is applied correctly, you can train your back, upper body, chest, arms, and legs to be stronger.

3. Plank (utthita chaturanga dandasana)

Plank has so far been known as a regular exercise movement. However, this movement is actually also included in the yoga retreat movement. The plank movement is usually done after the downward facing movement. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Start in a prone position then support your body using your elbows and feet.
  • Try to position your elbows in line with your shoulders and make sure your body posture forms a flat line. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds and repeat about 3-5 times.

4. Warrior one (virabhadrasana I)

If you want to train your body balance, you can do the retreat yoga step with the warrior one movement. The steps to do this movement are:

  • Start with an upright standing position.
  • Next, stretch your right leg in front until your knee makes a 90 degree angle. Make sure your left leg is in a flat position.
  • Raise both hands and close both palms above your head. Then, puff out your chest until your back bends back. Keep your head still upright.
  • Hold the position for 30-60 seconds. Not only does it train your body balance, the retreat yoga step with the warrior one movement is also useful for training the lower body muscles so that they remain strong.

5. Warrior two (virabhadrasana II)

The retreat yoga warrior two step plays a role in training your body balance. This yoga retreat movement is actually almost similar to warrior one but there are many movements that are replaced, namely:

  • Start with an upright standing position.
  • Stretch your right leg in front until it is away from your left leg. Try to have both feet in a flat position.
  • Turn your body to face left while spreading both hands. However, make sure your head position is still forward.
  • Lower your body in front by bending your right leg until your knee makes a 90℃ angle.

Maintain that position for at least 30 seconds and repeat the series of movements above according to your strength.

6. Tree (vrksasana)

As the name implies, this yoga retreat movement will make your body like a tree. The steps to do it are:

  • Starting from the mountain position, then raise your right leg by placing the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh.
  • Put both palms together and place them in front of your chest.
  • Hold this position for about 30-60 seconds. Then, do the same yoga retreat steps with the other leg.

7. Child gaya (balasana)

If you are doing a yoga retreat with the aim of eliminating depression or excessive anxiety, the yoga retreat steps with the child gaya movement may be an option. You need to follow these steps:

  • Start with a kneeling position. Try to make the order of the 2 knees parallel to the waist.
  • Next, lean forward and place your 2 hands to support it.
  • Take the body back with a stretched position until the forehead touches the mat.
  • Do a series of movements for 30 seconds.

8. Corpse style (savasana)

This style is usually done at the end of a yoga retreat practice. The savasana style is done by lying down relaxed with the legs open and the palms facing up. This style helps your body and mind relax more so that it is easier to get rid of depression. This style is seen as a meditation that

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