Yoga Retreat Poses You Can Practice at Home

Yoga Retreat Poses You Can Practice at Home

What are the right yoga retreat movements for beginners? For those of you who are just interested or have heard of this sport for a long time but have not tried it. Recognizing a number of yoga movements that are very beginner-friendly is very important.

Don’t worry if your body is not too flexible or you are not experienced with yoga retreat in bali at home. Because some of these movements can be adjusted to the strength level of each person.

Come on, get to know the full discussion in the following article!

Examples of Yoga Movements for Beginners

Here are examples of yoga retreat movements that are right for beginners:

  1. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)

Downward facing dog is a yoga movement that aims to stretch the hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thigh) and the upper spine (thoracic spine).

How to do downward facing dog:

  • Place your palms under your shoulders.
  • Bend your knees 90 degrees on the mat, like a crawling position.
  • Place your palms on the mat and fold your toes up. Next, lift your hips high.
  • Press your heels and feel the stretch in your upper back and back of your legs.
  • Move your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle.
  1. Mountain Pose (Tāḍāsana)

This mountain pose is often used as a transitional pose between other yoga movements. This yoga retreat movement is useful for calming the mind and body, and returning concentration to breathing.

Steps to do the mountain pose:

  • Stand at the edge of the yoga mat. Bring your feet together until they touch each other.
  • Spread your fingers. Keep your hands about 12 cm from your waist.
  • Stand up straight and feel your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Inhale through your nose. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  1. Warrior I (Vīrabhadrāsana I)

The warrior I pose is very good for building body strength and stability. This yoga retreat movement involves the legs, hips, and arms, and helps improve body shape.

Must Visit : Apa itu Yoga Retreat?

Warrior I Steps:

  • Start with both feet touching and slowly turn your left foot to make a 45-degree angle.
  • Step your right foot forward into a lunge position, keeping your front knee at a 45-degree angle.
  • Raise both arms above your head while keeping your fingers spread.
  • Keep your back neutral or slightly arched.
  • Keep your entire back neutral or slightly arched as you breathe in this pose.
  • Keep your hips facing the front plate.
  1. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II pose is great for building core strength, leg strength, and knee stability. This yoga move can also help improve balance and body shape.

Warrior II pose steps:

  • Follow these steps to start with warrior I.
  • Now, rotate your body until your shoulders are parallel to your front foot.
  • Extend both flat hands to the side, parallel to the shoulders.
  • Keep your head still facing forward with your gaze on the front hand.
  • Take a deep breath. Feel the muscles in your front leg working.
  1. Triangle Pose (Utthita Trickoṇāsana)

Triangle pose is a basic pose in yoga that is almost always given in various yoga styles.

This pose helps stretch the hamstring muscles, strengthen the legs, open the hips and shoulders, and improve balance and stability.

How to do triangle pose:

  • Take a wide leg position with one foot in front and the other straight flat to the side.
  • Bring your left hand to the front foot, making sure to stay balanced.
  • Rotate your body so that your right hand is pointing to the sky, and you should make sure to look at your hand.
  • Take a deep breath and maintain balance as you hold this pose.
  1. Cat-Cow (Bidalasana)

Cat-cow or known as the cat pose is a pose that is commonly performed in routine warm-up activities.

Bidalasana has health benefits including improving body shape, mobilizing the tailbone, reducing lower back tension and pain, and others.

Steps to do the cat-cow movement:

  • Take a crawling position with your back flat and your eyes facing the mat below you.
  • Take a deep breath and widen your back and neck while looking up at the sky.
  • As you exhale, bend your back and neck into a “C” shape and look back down at the mat below you.
  1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Child’s pose is a resting pose that can help stretch the muscles in the front of the body while passively stretching the muscles in the back.

This one yoga retreat movement can be calming and relaxing, to the point of helping to manage depression, you know. Steps to do child’s pose:

  • Start on a yoga mat in a crawling position with your toes pointed back.
  • Press your palms into the floor and sit your buttocks on your heels.
  • With your arms outstretched in front of you, place your forehead on the mat.
  1. Tree Pose (Vṛkṣāsana)

Tree pose is a great move to improve balance and coordination.

Steps to do tree pose:

  • To begin this move, place your feet together and stand up straight.
  • Raise both arms above your head and place your palms on top of your head.
  • Together, bend your knees to make a 90-degree angle, then rotate your hips and place the bottom of your feet on the inside of your opposite leg.


In the following article, we have learned a number of yoga moves that are beneficial for mental and physical health.

Starting with the downward facing dog pose which helps stretch the hamstrings and spine.

Then, Mountain pose that calms the mind and body. Warrior pose I and II that create body ability and stability. Child’s pose that can help manage stress release.

Not to be missed, triangle pose that helps improve balance and cat-cow pose that is useful for fixing body shape and reducing tension.

Well, to deepen your yoga practice, let’s make a reservation with Pasraman Bali Eling Spirit now because later you will be assisted by trainers who are experienced in their sector!

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