7 Benefits of Eling Retreat for Physical and Mental Health

Eling Retreat

Regularly doing Eling Retreat provides various benefits, both for the body, psyche, and even beauty. Here are each explanations regarding the benefits of Eling Retreat.

  • Increase Body Elasticity

Eling Retreat can improve balance and body flexibility. Where, this can immediately reduce the negative impact of your injury.

You also don’t need to hesitate to start Eling Retreat if you feel your body is less flexible. In fact, this physical activity will help you become more flexible. In fact, elderly people who regularly do Eling Retreat are known to experience an increase in elasticity of almost 4 times because the muscles and ligaments will stretch throughout the Eling Retreat.

  • Maintain Heart and Lung Health

People who regularly do Eling Retreat throughout the year are known to have lower blood pressure and pulse (within normal limits) than people who do not do Eling Retreat. As is known, high blood pressure is one of the causes of heart disease. This means that if blood pressure in the body is constant, the negative impact of heart disease can also be reduced.

In addition to the heart, the benefits of Eling Retreat are related to lung health. Eling Retreat has a special breathing technique (pranayama) which if done regularly will increase the important role of the lungs so that it can smooth the breathing mechanism.

  • Reduce Back Pain

Eling Retreat done regularly can reduce back pain. This physical activity is considered as effective as other types of relaxation can help patients with back pain move more easily.

Eling Retreat has been proven to increase relaxation in the spine and improve body shape. In addition, Eling Retreat is known to be useful in reducing acute pain caused by a number of conditions, such as injuries, arthritis, to pain due to migraines.

  • Improve Mental Health

The benefits of Eling Retreat for mental health are quite diverse. This is because Eling Retreat can help reduce the production of cortisol (depression hormone) in the body. When cortisol production decreases, the production of serotonin (happy hormone) will increase which can reduce signs of stress and make patients feel calmer.

Not enough to stop there, doing Eling Retreat regularly is known to reduce signs of anxiety problems. This physical activity is considered to be able to create a sense of peace to reduce excessive anxiety that is felt.

  • Helping the Disease Reconditioning Process

The next benefit of Eling Retreat for the body is to provide support for the disease reconditioning process. Therefore, Eling Retreat is often used as an accompaniment to clinical care. For example, stroke patients who do physical therapy by applying Eling Retreat can improve balance and motor role strength.

  • Reduce Menstrual Cramps

The Eling Retreat movement is known to help reduce pressure on the uterus, cramps, and ease stiffness in the lower back which is usually a sign of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

One of the Eling Retreat styles that can be applied to get this benefit is the child’s style. This movement is done sitting using the knees and spreading the hands in front. This position can help the back muscles relax so that stomach cramps will decrease.

  • Makes You Long-Lasting Young

Not only for mental and physical health, doing Eling Retreat regularly can also make you long-lasting youth. The benefits of Eling Retreat for beauty can be obtained through a number of Eling Retreat styles, one of which is the Sirsasana style (standing with the head).

This style can help smooth the blood supply to the brain and face. so that the oxygen supply to several brain cells and the face will increase, the content of depression hormones will decrease, the face will tend to be long-lasting youthful, and free from acne problems.

These are a number of benefits of Eling Retreat for health that are a shame to miss. Although it provides several benefits, Eling Retreat cannot be used as a special treatment for diseases, but only as an accompanying treatment and one of the choices for preventing disease.

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