Self Healing With 7 Chakra in Ubud

Self Healing With 7 Chakra in Ubud

The journey to achieve balance and holistic well-being is incomplete without knowledge about chakra. Chakra come to the human body as energy centers. Their presence plays a central role when regulating important energy channels that affect the physical, emotional, and religious factors of personal life.

The presence of chakra in the human body is believed to be 7 types. Each is located along the spine, from the base of the tailbone to the top of the head. Each chakra has its own unique role and character. Knowledge about chakra can be useful for drawing religious power and strengthening our well-being in detail. Here, of course, you can try the Pelukatan 7 chakra Ubud retreat with Pasraman Bali Eling Spirit.

Why is it Important to Know the 7 Chakra?

Self Healing With 7 Chakra in Ubud

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit which means “wheel”. This term is then interpreted at the energy point in the human body. Releasing from Healthline, chakra are seen as rotating energy discs that need to remain “open” and in line. This is because of the relationship with nerve groups, special organs, and energy places in the body that affect our emotional and physical health.

Chakra play an important role in achieving holistic well-being and individual development because they have several functions as follows.




  1. Energy Balancing Center

Chakra are controllers of energy channels to all parts of the body. When balanced, vital energy can flow smoothly, ensuring maximum health and balance.

  1. Emotional regulation

Each chakra is correlated with certain emotional factors in humans. When these chakra are balanced, a person tends to have better control over their emotions, increase their psychological stability, and emotional health.

  1. Chakra affect religious awareness

Through the practice of meditation, yoga, or energy therapy, a person can activate these chakra. As a result, it can increase self-awareness, achieve inner comfort, and expand an individual’s knowledge of themselves and the universe.

7 Special Human Chakra You Need to Know

The Woman’s Day site says that there are actually 114 different chakra. However, what you need to know is the seven special chakra that are along our spine.

In addition to their role, each of these 7 special chakra has a number, name, color, detailed location along the spine to the crown of the head.

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhra)

Location: At the bottom of the spine, where the tailbone is.

Color: Red

Meaning: Physical identity, stability, security

The root chakra is the basis of the chakra mechanism. Its balanced condition makes a person feel safe and peaceful physically or emotionally. When unbalanced, a person will feel emotionally insecure, isolated, anxious, and afraid of change. This manifests in physical problems, such as arthritis, constipation, and urinary or bowel problems.

  1. Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

Location: Below the navel

Color: Orange

Meaning: Sexuality, pleasure, creativity

This is the center of self-esteem for intimacy, spirit, and innovative gestures. When this chakra is balanced, a person feels energetic and can express himself freely. When it is not balanced, a person will feel jealous, oversensitive, and have poorer communication.

And, physically, it can cause menstrual problems, diseases of the sexual organs, impotence, and back pain.

  1. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Location: Stomach area, above the navel (upper abdomen)

Color: Yellow

Meaning: Self-esteem, self-confidence

This chakra is the center of ability and control. Meaning, related to the power to manage life and face obstacles with optimism. When balanced, a person feels strongly motivated and has higher optimism.

Conversely, when blocked, it will cause depression, low energy, low self-esteem, stubbornness, and arrogance. Physically, the blockage will cause digestive problems, such as ulcers, stomach aches, eating problems, and digestive problems.

  1. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Location: In the center of the chest, above the heart

Color: Green

Meaning: Love, compassion, mercy

This chakra is in the middle of the 7 special chakra. It means mediating between the lower and upper sides, which represents our power to like and connect with others. This is the center of empathy and compassion.

When this is balanced, a person feels open to giving and receiving love. Conversely, when blocked, it can give rise to feelings of loneliness, insecurity, and isolation. Physically, blockages increase the negative impact of heart disease, asthma, cardiovascular, nerve problems, and scoliosis.

  1. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Location: Esophagus

Color: Blue

Meaning: Communication

Here is the chakra associated with the power of verbal communication. Truth, honest self-gestures, and innovative, loving statements come here. When in balance, a person can speak clearly and effectively because he is honest with himself.

Be alert when blocked because a person will feel embarrassed, paranoid, excessive introvert, depressed emotions, difficulty expressing thoughts. Or, the imbalance causes a person to be seen leading the conversation, gossiping a lot, and talking without thinking.

And, from the factors, blockage causes problems in the throat, teeth, gums, and mouth. It can also cause asthma or other respiratory problems.

  1. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Location: Between the eyebrows (brow chakra), on the forehead

Color: Indigo blue

Meaning: Instinct, imagination

This chakra is the center of instinct and wisdom. When in balance, one’s discourse feels sharp and can recognize greater descriptions of truth. Conversely, a blocked state makes it difficult for a person to hear reality or his intuition diminishes.

Physically, blockages in this chakra can cause headaches, cataracts, focus problems, and hearing problems.

  1. Crown Chakra (Sahsrara)

Location: At the top of the head

Color: Purple or white

Meaning: Consciousness, intelligence

This last chakra at the top (head) is the center of religiosity and the highest consciousness. It is related to cosmic consciousness and deep knowledge of the universal network. Balance causes a person to feel connected to a greater source and feel one with the universe.

This chakra helps all the other chakra remain open, and brings happiness and enlightenment. Conversely, imbalances give rise to pride, arrogance, and melancholy. Thinking becomes narrow-minded, skeptical, or stubborn.

In physical terms, this chakra affects the brain and nervous system. Blockages can result in headaches, depression, or insomnia.

Triggers for Blocked Chakra

It is certainly a good thing if your chakra are balanced. Conversely, what causes blocked or possibly unbalanced chakra? Blocked chakra refer to energy channels in one or more chakra in the human body being blocked or perhaps not functioning properly.

When unbalanced, vital energy cannot flow smoothly through the body, causing physical, emotional, and religious problems. Unbalanced or blocked chakra can cause anxiety, depression, emotional instability, physical illness, fatigue, and other physical and mental health problems.

Triggers for blocked chakra include:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Acute stress or emotional suppression.
  • Emotional trauma and traumatic experiences from the past.
  • Toxic environments, either physically or psychologically.
  • Lack of religious practice or self-attention, such as meditation, yoga, or energy therapy.

Equalizing Chakra

Of course, you can try to balance your chakra again. Steps that can be taken to restore chakra balance are:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Energy therapy, such as Reiki or Reiki Crystals
  • Exercise or other physical activities
  • Maintain a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle.

Some of the ways to unblock the chakra above can be done by taking classes or programs at Pasraman Bali Eling Spirit. However, initially, it is also important to check the condition of your body’s chakra in detail. The trick is to use Pelukatan 7 Chakra Ubud.

In depth, Pelukatan 7 Chakra Ubud will cleanse your chakra. Thus, you will understand better, so you can choose the right technique or approach. So what are you waiting for, immediately contact Pasraman Bali Eling Spirit to make an appointment to undergo Pelukatan 7 Chakra Ubud. By performing a cleansing purification with holy water, mantras and meditation, you can more effectively restore balance and health holistically.

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